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Product Overview


TAPES is a sampler that simulates LOOP TAPE. It adds a challenging essence to your usual music as well as experimental music like Music Concrete or Vaper Wave. Input sounds are transformed into lo-fi sounds, recorded onto a virtual tape, and then output. By stopping the recording, the sound can be looped, and furthermore, by freely controlling the tape length, playback speed, and the part of the tape to be used, it is possible to create everything from strange sounds to intense noise sounds. 


TAPES simulates the following LOOP TAPE system:


Lo-Fi Effects

The input sound is recorded to tape through the REC HEAD and then output through the PLAY HEAD. The output sound is output a short time after the input. This time is determined by the playback speed of the tape (SPEED) and the length of the tape (END-START length). The output sound quality varies greatly depending on the playback speed (SPEED) of the tape. Turning the tape faster produces a higher resolution, while turning it slower produces a rougher resolution sound quality. Turning the tape slower tends to produce rougher sound, especially on high notes, and the LPF (TONE knob) can be used to alleviate this problem.

Loop function (sampling)

When the REC button is pressed, TAPES always writes to tape, but by pressing the LOOP switch, writing can be stopped and the sound can be looped (sampled) Pressing and holding the LOOP button also allows the tape contents to be saved. Writing and playback are performed for the section set by the START and END knobs. This feature can also be used to create new loops by combining multiple sounds in sequence.


Recording Longer Loop Times

The loop time is determined by the playback speed of the tape (SPEED) and the length of the tape (END-START length). If you want to sample a longer duration of sound, set SPEED to a slower speed, START to the far left, and END to the far right.



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